First let me just say, and I hope I'm not going to jinx us, but so far this house building thing has been a fabulous growing experience! Yes there have some stressful moments (AKA the moment I find out Husbands dislike for grey equals my dislike for brown :O) however, Husband is an amazing individual and we've been able to find some sort of compromise for everything that we can't agree on! We've just had fun picking out things for our home, and trying to make wise decisions like we know what we are doing. As my dear Grampa Dean said when he was asked for advice sometime after their 55th wedding anniversary, "It's all about give and take".
Anywho! I'm getting off track... House stuff?! Here we go:
This is what was accomplished when we left for the Dean Reunion
(sorry its a little dark)
Shortly after we returned there were rafters up!!
Now I can't remember the timeline exactly, and apparently our roof was a difficult one (who knew?!) and it actually took 3 weeks to put up rafters and sheet the roof of the house and garage.
this is my kitchen!!!
Looking in the front entrance.
Sheeted roof! Man its looking like a house :D :D
An exciting day.. Windows arrived!!
Let me tell you a little something.. this picture was taken at 12:30 pm when the truck showed up with windows...
Annnnd THESE pictures were taken at 5:30 pm (5 hours later!!) and all the main floor windows and doors were in!!! (insert crazy happy dance and hollering here)
So yup its all been super duper awesome!!!
Oh ya and that same day a tub showed up :) Me thinks we can move in shortly ;) KIDDING..
So there ya have it, you're up to date!! Well, actually, since these photos the basement windows, garage windows, an interior wall and some plumbing has been put in place buuuut I don't have pics of that yet :) so I'll let this do for now!!